Board of Directors

A. Akgün ALTUĞ

Member Of The Board

A. Akgün Altuğ is one of the founders of ARMA Filter Ltd. Co., manufacturer of spare parts and accessories for the automotive, domestic appliances and electronic industries, and KARYA Park Arboriculture Company, operating in the field of outdoor ornamental plant growing. Altuğ started his business life in Istanbul after he graduated from the industrial vocational high school, and headed for serving as a businessman with an entrepreneurial spirit by explaining his idea to his administrators about manufacturing the parts used in domestic appliance production and imported from overseas in Turkey.    

Altuğ has been manufacturing in many areas, primarily the area of filter systems, at the Company he founded with his colleagues in 1988, and they have attained many national and international successes. Altuğ has been a tax champion in Sakarya in recent years and has received many awards in the export area. His Companies, providing employment to 3,000 people, are listed among the first 500 companies in Turkey. ARMA has been operating in 5 countries with the manufacturing and depot facilities located in Dusseldorf City, Germany, Los Angeles, California, USA, and in Poland and China.

Altuğ served as the first Chairman of the Executive Board following the handover of Sakarya 1st Organized Industrial Zone, established in 1993, to entrepreneurs, and was elected as the member of SATSO (Sakarya Chamber of Commerce and Industry) Council at the election held in 2005. Altuğ, had become prominent owing to his active participation during his council membership and was elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors at SATSO elections held in 2009. Altuğ was elected as the Council Chairman in 2013 and carried out this duty until 2018. He has become the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SATSO once again after the elections held in April, 2018.   

  Furthermore, he was elected as a member of the High Commission of The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and a council member of Chambers of Commerce and Industry at the General Assembly of Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges held in May, 2009, and he was elected as the member at Strategy Supreme Commission of The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey in 2013.  

Altuğ has been carrying out various top level duties at corporations directing Turkey’s economy, including Sakarya Teknokent Ltd. Co., ABIGEM Ltd. Co., TR-42 Marmara Development Agency, and TUBITAK Marmara Teknokent Ltd. Co., and at many unions, foundations and companies. Altuğ has been continuing to contribute personally and with his Company to support the economic, socio-cultural and sportive activities performed in Sakarya. Altuğ is a member at SAHA Defense and Aerospace Clustering Association, at TAYSAD, at BEYSAD (White Goods Suppliers Association), at KALDER, at SÜSBIR, and a member of general assembly of DEIK, and a founding member of Sakaryaspor Club, and is the Club President of Sakarya BŞB Basketball Team, struggling at Basketball Super League currently. Altuğ, born in Sapanca in 1964, is married with 3 children and speaks English.     

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