Board of Directors


Member Of The Board

He was born in Afyonkarahisar in 1967.

After primary and secondary education, Serteser graduated from Afyon High School in 1984 after that graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering in 1989.

After completing his military service, he started to work on his own company.

He founded Afyonkarahisar Industrialists and Businessman Association (AIBA) in 1991and he served four years as founding president.

While he was Chairman of the Board of AIBA, he was elected as a Member of the Board of Directors of the Western Anatolian Industrialist and Businessman’s Association Federation, which is affiliated to the Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation. He continued this duty 2 year.

While he was serving as the Chairman of AIBA for the third term between 2006-2009, he was elected as the Chairman of the Executive Board of Afyonkarahisar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) in February 2009.

In 2009-2013, he was served to Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), President of Economic Policy Commission, also he was served duty of member of the Supervisory Board in KOBİ A.Ş.

Serteser, who was elected as the Chairman of the Executive Board of Afyonkarahisar Chmaber of Commerce and Industry for the second time in 2013. Also he continued to duty of Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in TOBB between 2013-2018.

Providing in unity and solidarity in ACCI, Serteser was elected as the Chairman of the Executive Board for the 3rd time in a row in 5th April 2018.

He was been a member of the TOBB Strategy Development High Board, a member of the Council of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and a member of the Small and Medium Industry Development Organization’s General Assembly.

Serteser, who has been the Chairman of the Board of 2nd Organized Industrial Zone since 2021. Also he was elected as the Chairman of Executive Board for the 4th time in a row at the ACCI’s board elections in October 2022.  Also he passed into history for ACCI.

At the TOBB General Assembly in 2023, Serteser, who continues to be a member of the Small and Medium Industry Development Organization’s General Assembly. Also he was elected to the TOBB General Administrative Board.

He was elected High Coordination Member at the General Assembly of the Organized Industrial Zones Supreme Organization. General Assembly of Customs and Tourism Operations Inc., which is among the important affiliates of TOBB. He was elected as a Member of the Board of Directors.

Serteser, who became a member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Turkey Board of Member in 2013, he was re-elected to this position in 2018.


Continuing as the Chairman of the Board of the European Union Business Development Center Serteser also carries out social responsibility activities. Serteser, who became the Chairman of the Board of Afyon Education Foundation in 2015, was elected to this position for the second time in 2018; In 2022, he was elected for the third time.

Serteser continues its activities in various sectors in addition to his duties in his own construction company.

Serteser, who pioneered the merger of the Journalists' Association and the Journalists' Solidarity Association in Afyonkarahisar, is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Afyon Journalists' Association, which was re-established within this framework.

Serteser is married and has two children.

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