Board of Directors

Ömer Abdullah ÖZDEMİR

Member Of The Board

Ö. Abdullah Özdemir was born in Amasya in 1955. He graduated from Faculty of Business Administration in Istanbul University.

He is fluent in French and English.

Özdemir  has been dealing with Cereals and Pulses trading in domestic and international markets since 1982.

Özdemir  is married and has two children.

Tasks Undertaken:

Duties Undertaken in Past Periods

- Yenişehir Municipality, Council Membership

- Mersin Metropolitan Municipality, Council Membership

-World Pulses Confederation, Executive Committee Membership

- Futures and Options Exchange, Executive Committee Membership


- Mediterranean Cereals and Pulses Exporters' Association, Vice Presidency of Board of Directors


-TOBB Exchange Council Presidency

-TOBB General Assembly Presidency

Ongoing Missions

- President of Board of Directors of Mersin Commodity Exchange

-TOBB General Administration, Council Membership

-TOBB Commodity Exchanges, Council Membership

-President of the National Legume Council

-International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Turkish National Committee, Vice Chairman of the Board

-GTI A.S. Executive Board Membership

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